Gift flowers
Florist choice bouquet
Using in season flowers and foliages to create a beautiful bouquet - florist choice is perfect if you're not sure what to send but want a lovely bouquet.
Regular - £40
Medium - £50
Large - £60
Deluxe - £70

Floral basket
These cute flower baskets are made with in-season flowers and foliages. These are great for a birthday celebration.
Regular - £45
Large - £60
Deluxe - £80

Romance bouquet
Perfect to send to your special love, for an anniversary or just because. These beautiful red and pink tones are perfect for a romantic gesture.
Regular - £35
Medium - £45
Large - £55

Floral Vase
Vase filled with beautiful flowers - multiple vases to choose from (photo is for example)
Regular - £50
Large - £70
Deluxe - £90

Please call us on 07766836987 or fill in our order form below to make an order.